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Vintage & Modern Tech Blog

CSSCGC2016 Winner's Message

Herman Sausagy-Chippleton


It is with tears of joy (and angst) that I humbly, and with only the slightest flicker of bother about my person, accept the award for the Crappiest Game of 2016.

There were other contenders for the CSSCGC 2016, and sometimes I wondered if I had made TOO MUCH of an effort with my excillarating text-only program, written in just one afternoon (and probably less than one half hour). It seems now that I was very wrong.

You may have noticed that Supermassive Black Hole Simulator was adorned with the copyright 1816, rather than the expected 2016.

This - in fact - was no mistake, as whilst researching my chosen topic I got too close to a chronically flatulent alien, and found myself closer to the black hole than I wanted to be, leading to strange temporal goings-on.

It was only with a little luck and a physical copy of Cassette 50 to use as a tow line, that I was brought back to the relative safety of the space before the event horizon, where the time dilation effect was not to be found.

I originally aimed to make an amazing manually-assembled machine code program to take Spec-chums deep into one of cosmic natures strangest and most poweful creations. It would have ULA+ graphics in high-res, awesome sound effects and more.

Then I realised - space is black. I mean sure the Hubble Telescope team and friends will tell you differently, but in popular sci-fi shows and quite a few places on Earth space is just black with white dots. Hooray - hours of programming saved!

Then, it came to me - the black hole is just black - why even have the white dots?

At that point, I started to think I had something really special going on with this program.

Now the serious bit...

Anyway, I'm going to somewhat, ah - c**pilly (and that's not Caerphilly mispelled) finish up with this rouse quicker than I could and say - thanks everyone, you've been wonderful names-across-an-internet, this was of course a joke entry and my more serious and non-glitchy stuff is available from my (Umm...I mean Ste's) DOWNLOADS page.

The CSSCGC2016 website is HERE.

Best Regards for 2016 Herman SPN Sausagy-Chippeton

(Definitely not Ste Nichol)


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