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Vintage & Modern Tech Blog

Changes To Loading Screech Downloads etc.

Stephen Nichol

Image of Cap'n Rescue Trilogy

Just a quick message to keep people up to date on what's happening with this website. The main changes are;

1. On the Downloads page, the Cap'n Rescue 8-bit games are available as a single download containing all three games. For the Vega, keymaps are included for all the games.

2. Unofficial AGD Tools, a small collection of tools to assist in making

Image for Unofficial AGD Tools

games in Arcade Game Designer 4.6, now includes a Windows program.

The idea is, that those using emulators don't need to keep flicking between Spectrum programs, or have multiple emulator windows open, as the Windows version runs in a console window independently of any emulators. If you do need the ZX Spectrum program, it's still included.

The programs are:

Colour Calcs - calculates different combinations of paper, ink, bright, and flash.

ASM Calcs - calculates the values needed to call external assembly language routines from AGD.

Co-ordinator - suggests entry and exit co-ordinates for flip-screen games in order that your player doesn't emerge embedded in a solid object, or flicking backwards and forwards between two rooms.

3. Appearance - initially, I changed the look of the homepage to resemble Your Sinclair from the last couple of years of it's existence. Although Your Sinclair hasn't been in print since 1993, I've since changed the logo of Loading Screech to look more original anyway, as I've been wanting to for ages (the big tape reels never looked like a domestic audio cassette, which is the look I really wanted), and I don't like thinking that I'm just cloning a mag from the past.

That's about it for now.

Thanks for your time



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Custom Website Design and Content © 2014-2019 by Stephen Nichol. (Homepage theme in part inspired by 1992 issues of the computing magazine Your Sinclair). Articles, Captions, and Downloads by Stephen Nichol unless otherwise stated. Proudly created with

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