Announcing My New Homebrew Retro Platformer (November 2014)
Having set myself the goal of creating two ZX Spectrum homebrew games by the end of 2014, on Saturday 15th November 2014, I completed the...

< FIVE MINUTE BASIC #8 - Spectrum Yak
This routine simulates a human-like conversation with the ZX Spectrum. One application of this program might be in a larger games...
< FIVE MINUTE BASIC #7 - Funky Algebraic Sound
Up until now, my < Five Minute BASIC listings have, once run, only contained text and graphics, both of which are visual elements. The...
< FIVE MINUTE BASIC #6 - Easier Animation of Multiple Graphics
More than one User Defined Graphic (UDG) to animate? Here's a quick routine to move multiple UDG's using just one FOR...NEXT loop. Note -...

US Mega-Modder Makes Handheld ZX Spectrum (2014)
This is one I just have to share. US Modding genius Ben Heck, has been working on a portable ZX Spectrum, and it's based around a PAL...

< FIVE MINUTE BASIC #5 - Simple Principle to Avoid Colour Clash
If you're new to the Spectrum or have returned to it after a long time, you may have noticed that when you draw or print with two...

< FIVE MINUTE BASIC #3 - Cycling Colour Menu
The following program gives you an arcade-style menu, with text that rotates through the colours available on the ZX Spectrum. 1 REM...

Here's a five minute listing I entered into a ZX Spectrum emulator on my phone recently. I was waiting for a relative's school play to...